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C++ Portfolio

OpenStreetMap Route Planner

This project creates a route planner that plots a path between two points on a map using real map data from the OpenStreetMap project using C++ programming language. Click on this project link for more details.


Linux system monitor

Htop is a popular linux system monitor. This project is building a simple yet informative system monitor inspired from htop using C++. This project uses a starter code and builds on top of it to demonstrate object-oriented programming and generic programming skills. Click on this project link for more details.


Memory management Chatbot

This chatbot answers about C++ pointers and memory models. A simple chatbot, built using powerful C++ memory management concepts such as move semantics and smart pointers. Click on this project link for more details.


Concurrent Traffic Simulation

This Arc de Triomphe traffic simulation is to demonstrate C++ concurrency skills. This project uses C++ concurrency concepts like threads, tasks, promises and futures, condition variable and monitor object pattern in its implementation. Click on this project link for more details.


SnakePeacock Game

This is a C++ game project using SDL2.0 library. This simple game is an extended upon a basic simple game with new features that lets player allow to play against another snake controlled by computer, have a peacock as a moving obstacle in the game, display different living creatures as food etc. Kindly take a look at the project code here.

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